How much would the proposed sales tax increases cost you?

Phyllis Gordan, 65, of Belleville, talks about the possible tax hikes in St. Clair County. Gordan said the increases would hit retirees especially hard. Photo by Steve Nagy, Belleville News-Democrat

Originally published March 9, 2017, by Belleville News-Democrat

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‘Act like u never saw it’: Texts show clerk tried to hide use of city account

Collinsville City Councilwoman Cheryl Brombolich speaks at the July 13 City Council meeting. Councilman Jeff Kypta sits to her right. Next to him, sits Corporate Counsel Steve Giacoletto. Photo by Zia Nizami, Belleville News-Democrat

Originally published Feb. 20, 2016, by Belleville News-Democrat

COLLINSVILLE — Before Cheryl Brombolich was a councilwoman, she sent 131 text messages in a single day begging the finance director not to tell her boss, the city manager, that she once again had charged a personal purchase to a tax-free city account, claiming it was just a mistake, according to documents released by the city.

At the time, former City Manager Scott Williams was deciding whether to fire Brombolich as city clerk and director of operations.

Continue reading ‘Act like u never saw it’: Texts show clerk tried to hide use of city account